Need to create a new diingtkan have a motor. Especially equipped motor oil filters from the paper. Do not just look at the routine oil change schedule aja, but also all of the filter.
For the oil filter from the paper, if it could be destroyed long and close oil route, said Lerry Blessing of Custom Caos often meet customer with this problem.
Motor oil using this filter include Ninja 250, KLX250, Hyosung RX and RT 125. Also includes a new motor like a duck Suzuki Smash, Shogun Kawasaki 125 and a duck.
The owner of the motor which usually only know an oil change, as in a duck, it must be less noticed, Proven many motorcycle owners who still do not have a bike ngeh oil filter like that.
Not be replaced due to old, filters made of paper can be destroyed on the inside. Make worse again, waste oil from the filter paper was surely going to close the oil line, "said Lery.
If that happens the oil must not be climbed. Deh ready machine innards would berets for not dampened oil, "said shop owner from Jl. Pancoran West VIII, No. 6, South Jakarta.
If it happened in Hyosung, has certainly had to spend about Rp 1 million. And the price of this filter only USD 7 thousand. Poor and must make annoyed, "added Lery.
Well, if that happens, the airport lost the title. Meanwhile, for the Ninja 250 or the filter KLX250 original price of about USD 40 thousand. If the Ninja can certainly happen that way, too,. But never see. Understandably still new motor, "Anga said of the workshop Racing Anjany many bike riders receiving customer's Kawak 250.
Because that was before all already happened, motorcycle owners are reminded that there is a process called oil filter change. "We recommend changing the filter every oil change twice," continued this single.
It is now many aftermarket products are offered. Maybe his age is more durable than standard items, but the owners still have to check the motor filter conditions during oil change. Do not let the machine make garbage, Lerry message at the end of his speech.
Writer / Photo: Nurfil / Adib
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