For Vario's user that wants mangaplikasikan back the disk that there are many is sold at variation shop. Besides rear foot which more solid, modis and trendy, also more safe being made speeding at metropolis.
Lovely it this peripheral is remained tide, with tekhnik that orderly beginning the disk design, adaptor caliper until caliper gets to masternya.
Stage initially, hole earlier exterior tromol pelek or right side. To position and its hole measure, adjust with hole place bolts on adaptor's place the disk that is provided, 10mm is measure bolts ideal as fastener of the disk.
Hereafter assembles bushing affix as penstabil pelek's right side the back. To apply direct ties on to thread original vario's wheels usa, so nut original shall be taken down before.
Then the disk tide corresponds to dudukan aught. vario's special, best of all close-fitting use celong's model the disk. To trick out place limitation, at a swoop for space bound up caliper position on bushing's axis affix as previous stabilizer.
Lovely it adaptor caliper this also been proveded with bearing. So doesn't trouble bushing's lap fluency wheels usa. After adaptor is assembled, thread with tracker that its function as stabilizer wheeled usa position right side.
Because, the disk position those are on right minimal must been added tracker stabilizer wheels. And pemasanganya kalipernya, setting is with positioning vertical the disk. For the purpose portion kampas next door balance right with left. And to look after lancer's fixed disk lap, after does moderation.
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